Install Submariner¶
This page describes how to install Submariner.
- Prepare at least two clusters, either by deploying submariner-k8s-broker in one of them or separately in the other cluster, with submariner-operator deployed in a subcluster of each join. The subclusters should be able to communicate properly with the clusters deployed by submariner-k8s-broke
- It's better to avoid overlapped subnets among different subclusters. Otherwise, you need to enable the Globalnet feature which has some limitations
- Supported CNIs include:
- OpenShift-SDN
- Weave
- Flannel
- Canal
- Calico(there is a compatibility issue, you need to circumvent it manually by referring to Usage)
- OVN (requires OVN NorthBound DB version > 6.1.0+)
- Kube-proxy's mode must be
, andIPvs
mode has been not supported yet - The cluster needs to allow
traffic and udp/4500 ports outside the cluster
Submariner is still in its infancy, thus bugs are common.
How to install Submariner¶
can be deployed in a single cluster or in a subcluster of Join. This page shows how to install Submariner by deploying submariner-k8s-broker
in a single cluster.
Make sure your cluster is successfully connected to the container management
platform, and then perform the following steps to first install submariner-k8s-broker
Container Management
in the left navigation bar, and then find the cluster name where you want to installsubmariner-k8s-broker
. -
In the left navigation bar, select
Helm Applications
->Helm Charts
, find and clicksubmariner-k8s-broker
. -
Select the version you want to install in the version selection, and click Install.
It is recommended to install
under thesubmariner-k8s-broker
namespace. -
The configuration shown below does not need to be changed, just leave the default parameters as they are:
Successfully install
in the Broker cluster. -
Switch to its subcluster: master01, and install
: -
Select the version you want to install in the version selection, and click Install.
Recommend install
under thesubmariner-operator
namespace, and enableWait
: -
to connect to the Broker cluster:The above parameters description:
: the address of the Broker Cluster API-Server, which can be obtained by the following command: -
: client certificate to access the Broker cluster API-Server, which can be obtained by the following command:# On the cluster where submariner-k8s-broker is installed [root@broker ~]# kubectl -n submariner-k8s-broker get secrets -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations['kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name']=='submariner-k8s-broker-client')].data['ca\.crt']}" 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
: the Token to access the Broker Cluster API-Server, which can be obtained by the following command:# On the cluster where submariner-k8s-broker is installed [root@broker ~]# kubectl -n submariner-k8s-broker get secrets -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations['kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name']=='submariner-k8s-broker-client')].data.token}" | base64 --decode eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik1kUWpXalIwUVV0RmtTcjJXdElvMW1WWHdZbU5Md2pRN0tFeVZSbUpINTgifQ.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.quC7a3hTctbgaRKHmzAvlP16EspwtTzWzirgj0o2d9XYfVe6bPX29Wg4XHh3ZzetaMYmvj_toukQJcQ6bO1CG7xv4mOFFkLF2ECrQNPGKYa5A2LHgQCFiWteWjU7wcisW3lugMTC6a5OrbK4optvVjseLwqI-BClm8nsgjGocBTrv1qqDp-4aiPkLtgcZRV2bsgE3yLsyc7Mhuncs7gDmI2NuBXoYRGfXtAjd6XIbnXd5Tp5sAV_k92xruNqKDpzQZI32K6I7It1WNQvtGOTYHa9sks0gxgUmQu8Z9Pikke5LCFOMNcBbjwlCCxzg6jKWJH87ReMtenRqcfG2jNeTQ
You need to run decode
: namespace of the submariner-k8s-broker component, with submariner-k8s-broker by default (refer to step 4). Broker
: enable the Globalnet feature. You can enable it if subclusters overlap with each other.
.The above parameters description:
IPsec Configuration
: pre-shared key required for establishing IPsec tunnels. If higher security is required, it can be obtained using the following command: -
: the identity of a subcluster, which should be filled to meet specification of the DNS-1123 Label. -
: the CIDR of the subcluster Pod. -
: the CIDR of the subcluster Service. -
: enable the globalnet feature.If you are not using the globalnet feature, do not configure this field.
Image Configuration
: tunnel mode, supportlibreswan
. Image Configuration
: enable the NAT feature between gateway nodes. If gateway nodes of different subclusters need to communicate across the public network, then enable it.
Successfully install
in subcluster master01: -
After the installation is complete, you need to manually set one of the nodes of subcluster master01 as a gateway node and add the tag " true":
Check if
is running:root@controller-node-1:~# kubectl get po -n submariner-operator NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE helm-operation-upgrade-submariner-operator-q79sp-9bkzl 0/1 Completed 0 31h submariner-gateway-jpclp 1/1 Running 18 (30m ago) 31h submariner-lighthouse-agent-589676874b-dn75z 1/1 Running 0 31h submariner-lighthouse-coredns-5d675b4897-tm752 1/1 Running 0 32h submariner-lighthouse-coredns-5d675b4897-wxr8z 1/1 Running 0 32h submariner-metrics-proxy-2ptmn 2/2 Running 0 31h submariner-operator-75ccdf484-6862g 1/1 Running 0 32h submariner-routeagent-kh4hp 1/1 Running 0 31h
The subcluster master01 join is finished, install submariner in another subcluster in the same way.
- After installation, you need to tag at least one node with " true". The Gateway component will only be installed if this tag is present.
- If the cluster CNI is Calico, some additional work is required to resolve compatibility issues with Calico, see usage.