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Could not find the owning cluster when creating the mesh

Cause Analysis

The main reason is that the MeshCluster status of the cluster to which it belongs is not "CLUSTER_RUNNING". You can log in to the global cluster to view the status of the MeshCluster CRD of the cluster to which it belongs.

kubectl get meshcluster -n mspider-system

There are several situations that can cause this problem:

Case 1

If the mesh has not been created with the cluster before, the meshcluster CRD of the cluster cannot be found by executing the above command. Probably because of gsc-controller syncing cluster exception from container management (kpanda).

Case 2

To remove the cluster from the created mesh, run the above command. The state of the meshcluster found for this cluster may be in one of the following states:


The reason may be that resources are being cleaned up or there is a meshconfig that is not cleaned up.


  1. For case 1, you only need to restart the gsc-controller of the global cluster.

    kubectl -n mspider-system delete pod $(kubectl -n mspider-system get pod -l app=mspider-gsc-controller -o 'jsonpath={}')
  2. For case 2, the environment may not be cleaned up. Please ensure that the control plane components of the cluster to which it belongs (control plane cluster) are cleaned up, otherwise it will affect the next mesh creation.

    1. Delete the meshconfig that has not been cleaned up and caused abnormal installation status

      kubectl delete meshcluster -n mspider-system ${clustername}
    2. Restart gsc-controller to resync the cluster

      kubectl delete po -n mspider-system ${gsc-coontroller-xxxxxxxxxx}
